Calorie Counting: Is it good for you?

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my corner! Today I’m bringing you another nutrition-related post and this post is about calorie counting. Shall we begin?

What is Calorie counting? So just to summarise it it’s basically when you count the calories of everything you eat during the day. You can keep track of your calories just by looking at the nutritional labelling on the front of packaged foods, but these days technology has become more advanced and there are now apps that can help you do this! There is apps like MyFitnessPal and Lifesum which are really good to use!

Now I’m gonna start with the bad side of this, because I’ve heard that people who calorie count then end up having bad relationships with food, they may miss some meals or restrict their diet and eventually that leads to finally giving in and binge eating. That is mainly the case with calorie counting it can go a good way, where you don’t restrict what you eat but you learn to have a balanced diet while also eating within your calorie limit. These calorie counting apps allow you to set a certain limit and will give you a recommended number of calories to eat during the day. With technology and wearable devices such as Apple Watch and if you are an iPhone user like me you can connect Apple Health and track your steps. You can also search and add any exercise to your diary and count how many calories you lost!

I am currently using the LifeSum app and for me it is working great! I can scan the barcode of any food item and track what I eat througout the day, my steps for the day are automatically counted and I can see how much calories I have burned. The LifeSum app has an amazing range of foods that you can search and add to your food diary, this especially works if you’re from an ethnic minority like I am and you can search for your own culture’s foods I found many pakistani foods on here. I can set a personal goal in my profile if I want to lose weight or maintain weight or gain weight and Lifesum automatically gives me a recommended amount of calories I can eat daily.

It’s a very easy and user friendly app that helps you to manage your diet more effectively and to lead a healthier lifestyle. The best part is you can choose to pay for a premium account but there are a lot of accessible features on the app that are for free users too!

This is what your food diary page looks like. You can track your calories here!

I really enjoyed my experience with the app and I did reach out to the company by email in the hopes of maybe supporting them in the future or becoming a brand ambassador but sadly they have not yet replied to my emails, inshallah I hope one day in the future they will!

Overall, to summarise I don’t believe calorie counting is all bad as long as you can still manage to keep a healthy, balanced diet and not to restrict yourself too much then you will see the best results and also have a good relationship with food! I hope you enjoyed this very short blog post discussing about calorie counting and I’ll see you again next week inshallah!

6 thoughts on “Calorie Counting: Is it good for you?

  1. I am not a fan of calorie counting at all, simply because I went through a phase of doing this back in 2019 and ended up having such a bad relationship with food. I started to see food as numbers and actually avoided anything with higher calories. I ended up restricting too much, over-exercising and then lost my period as a result of it too. So it can defiently trigger and ruin your relationship with food sometimes. But I also understand that it so necessary for some people to do if they want to lose weight too. My only advice to be careful with it and know that calorie counting should only ever be a temp thing to do not forever. I am more of a fan of intuitive eating and just listening to what my body wants and needs rather than depriving it.

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    • Yes I agree with this so much and it’s kind of the message I want to put across that for people trying to lose weight it is an excellent tool but one you have to be really cautious about!
      Thanks for reading! 🤍


  2. Great post – I can see both sides to calorie counting – I personally dip in and out of it now and then just to keep track, but I have had a bad relationship with using trackers in the past too. I think use is so personal, if it works for you that is fab 🙂 x

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